Monday, August 24, 2009

Ready or Not...

I am not really sure when it will hit me that I am going to Africa for two years. Right now I am soaking up the lazy days, enjoying long workouts, and a lack of a mandatory agenda. My to-do list is getting smaller: the moving truck is scheduled, extra glasses and contacts have been ordered, insurance companies have been notified, and I have even begun thinking about thinking about packing.

In so many ways this is a long time coming. I decided in 8th grade I was going to do the peace corps and remember reaffirming this allegation to my parents when I was 16. Upon graduation from college I applied for Teach For America and the Peace Corps. TFA won and I spent the last two years teaching second grade in Houston, Texas. I am not about regretting anything and hurricane Ike provided ample down time to complete the Peace Corps application...again. So, here goes...

I will be going as a teacher development facilitator for secondary teachers. While this sounds super exciting I am anxious about going back to secondary education and being an effective trainer. I am also nervous about learning Chichewa (I don't have a very good track record with learning new languages) and snakes. Our staging begins on September 23rd and we begin our training in Malawi on the 26th. We have about ten weeks of training and then the real adventure begins.

I have not yet begun my "last" game. The last time I buy grocies at this Kroger, the last Monday of a full month in the United States (I'm ridiculous), etc...and I probably shouldn't, it is way too stressful. Until I begin that part of the leaving process here's to more lazy days and TCBY trips.

loads of love,

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